Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Economics: University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Master of Arts in Economics: University of Delhi School of Economics, New Delhi, India


University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, BC        2007 to 2021

Senior Research Associate, The Birthplace Lab, UBC     1st Jan 2022- present


Advance curriculum to foster student scholarship & engagement. Collaborate and support colleagues regarding teaching and co-curricular activities. Participate in research pursuits.

Spearheaded the Community-Based Research initiative for seminar course ECON 490 to bring community organizations and students together to enhance learning and research.

Develop and maintain online resources in economics, political science, and related fields In Statistics, Econometrics and statistical computing skills. ( )

Open Education Resources – OPEN TEXTBOOKS

  • Optimal, Integral, Likely: Optimization, Integral Calculus, And Probability For Students Of Commerce And The Social Sciences, By B. Belevan, P. Hamidi, N. Malhotra, And E. Yeager, Open-Source Textbook, Cc By-Nc-Sa 4.0), 2021.
  • Study Practice Guide: Optimal, Integral, Likely: Optimization, Integral Calculus, And Probability For Students Of Commerce And The Social Sciences, By B. Belevan, P. Hamidi, N. Malhotra, And E. Yeager, Open-Source Textbook, Cc By-Nc-Sa 4.0), 2021.

Courses include: International Relations Major Program; Economic ; Land One Program with the Faculty of Land & Food Systems and the Department of Forestry


Piloted numerous UBC initiatives to enhance student learning. Developed, Evaluated and implemented Curricula to incorporate asynchronous content and social media.

Designed and taught VSE’s first flexible learning course, Introduction to Microeconomics. The course replaces 15% of traditional lectures with online tutorials to incorporate active learning in class.

Initiated an intensive 3-day preparatory course for International Relations (IR) students enrolled in ECON 355: Introduction to International Trade. Now hosted online as a program resource.

Introduced Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) to engender collaborative research skills in VSE.

Undertook (Competitive) Flexible Learning Initiative to construct an online resource repository (lectures, pre-lecture quizzes and peer assessments) for ECON 101.

Courses included: Introduction to Microeconomics, International Relations, and Applied Economics.

Peer Mentoring – Cheryl Fu, 2013; Robert Gateman 2014; Ashok Kotwal, 2015; Thomas S., 2015


Economics (2007 To 2009); Faculty Of Land & Food Systems (2008)

Devised and instructed courses on a variety of economics topics.

Manage a YouTube educational channel on economics as a resource for UBC students and beyond.

Courses included: Applied Economics; Introductory Microeconomics; International Trade; Population, Gender and Global Health; Global Food Markets.


Consultant, Development Economics Research Group | The World Bank, USA

Consultant, Operations Evaluation Department (OED) | The World Bank, USA

Research Associate | Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, New Delhi, India

Lecturer | University of Delhi, Department of Economics, New Delhi, India

Business Analyst | Thomas Cook, New Delhi, India


International Development Research Center (IDRC) – Invited to participate in the Asian Regional Consultation for Social and Economic Development Programs Jakarta, Indonesia, 2014

IDRC – Invited by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Department of Foreign Affairs Trade and Development to present “Creating Leaders: Impact at Scale and Visibility”, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2014

Delhi School of Economics – Presented “Indoor Air Pollution and Stunting”, New Delhi, India, 2013

Cida – Presented “Food Affordability and Nutrition Security: Role of Formal and Informal Education”, Quebec, Canada, 2010


Arts Curriculum Committeea member of the UBC Senate curriculum development committee that represents all departments in the arts faculty, 2017 to 2019

Arts Co-op Program – Promoted and encouraged economics undergraduates to participate in the program, which saw a 90% increase in economics student enrollment, 2013

UBC Learning Exchange – Presenter at “Livability in Vancouver” conference hosted by this outreach initiative for the communities of Vancouver Downtown Eastside neighborhoods, 2013

The UBC Mixer – Interdisciplinary partnerships between courses, instructors and students, 2011

Research FellowCanadian Agricultural Trade Policy Research Network, 2009

Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada – analyzing the effects of Canada’s preferential trade agreements and proposing future strategies, 2007

Committee work – Served on various committees: Instructor Recruiting, Promotion/Merit Review, Communications, Alumni relations, and SHHRC Arts Co-op, VSE Program Review & UBC CBL community-based learning.

Journal Review – Reviewed papers for Public Health and Nutrition, PLOS ONE, Journal of Human Development, Maternal and Child Health Journal, Canadian Public Policy, and Contemporary Economic Policy


EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP WORKSHOPEstablished the draft impact framework for the articulation of educational leadership activities for professional development and the promotion and tenure process for this workshop conducted by CTLT and the Dean of Arts Office, 2017

ECONOMICS ARTICULATION MEETINGS“How to Use Blended Learning Tools in Economics Introductory Courses”: workshop for economics instructors across UBC, 2015

FACULTY WORKSHOP ON ACTIVE LEARNING“Improving Student Engagement in Technology-Enhanced Classrooms: What Works, What Matters and Why,” Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology’s Summer Institute, UBC, 2014.

Teaching and Learning Assistance to Accommodate Flexible/Blended Learning Faculty Workshop “The Flipped Lab: How to Collaborate with Teaching Assistants to Support the Flipped Classroom”, CTLT Institute, UBC, 2014

Multimedia Workshop “Using Multimedia Technologies in Teaching Economics to Enhance Learning and Analytical Skills”, CTLT Institute, UBC, 2014 Link

The Evaluation WorkshopCentre for Teaching, Learning and Technology, CTLT Institute, UBC, 2014

GRADUATE STUDENT TRAINING PROGRAMConducted a 5-module (15 hours) training program for the incoming graduate teaching assistants.

BLOG ON TEACHING AND EDUCATION called Flexible Learning. Incorporated social media into the approach to engage technology-savvy students and create a more multifaceted academic experience.


Gender and Global Health

“Child Malnutrition, Infant Feeding Practices, and Nutrition Information: Evidence from India.” Vancouver. A Human Right Based Approach to Development in India (2019) UBC press.

“Why Are There Delays In Seeking Treatment For Childhood Diarrhoea In India?” (with Ravi Prakash Upadhyay), Acta Pediatrica, (2013).

“The Role of Maternal Diet and Iron-Folic Acid Supplements in Influencing Birth Weight: Evidence from India’s National Family Health Survey” (with Nick Choy), (2014) accepted for publication in Journal Of Tropical Pediatrics, Oxford University Press.

“Inadequate Feeding Of Infant And Young Children In India: Lack Of Nutritional Information Or Food Affordability?” Public Health Nutrition,  (2012).

“Domestic Violence And Women’s Autonomy In Developing Countries: Theory And Evidence,” (with Mukesh Eswaran) Canadian Journal of Economics, 44(4), (2011).

“Risky Behavior and HIV Prevalence Among Zambian Men,” (with Jonathan Yang) Journal of Biosocial Science, 43(2), (2011), Cambridge University Press.

“The Hazard Of Starting The Smoking Habit Among Canadian Population,” (with Brahim Boudarbat), International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2(4), (2008).

International Trade and development

“The Users Of Lumber And The US-Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement: An Event Study,” (with Sumeet Gulati) Contemporary Economic Policy, 28, (2009).

“Effectiveness Of The Canadian Antidumping Regime,” (with Horatiu Rus) Canadian Public Policy, 35(2), (2009).

“Antidumping Duties In The Agriculture Sector: Trade Restricting Or Trade Deflecting?”  (with Horatiu Rus, and Shinan Kassam), Global Economy Journal, 8(2), (2008).

“Liberalization And Protection: Antidumping Duties In The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry,” (with Shavin Malhotra) Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 11(2), (2008).

“Anti-Dumping And Market Power In The Agriculture Sector, With A Special Case Study Of Fresh Tomatoes Industry,” (with Kathy Baylis), The Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy, 9(1), (2008).

“Signaling Costs: Why Don’t More Firms Petition For Protection?” Business and Politics 10.1 (2008).

“Investing In An Emerging Market: Evidence From US Firms Investing In India,” (with Shavin Malhotra), Competitiveness Review, 17(1), (2007).

“Estimating Export Response In Canadian Provinces To The US-Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement,” (with Sumeet Gulati) Canadian Public Policy, 32(2), (2006)


“Asynchronous Video: A Powerful Way to Teach, Present, and Communicate with Students,” Faculty Focus, Jun 14, 2021

“Implementing Active Learning and Student-Centered Pedagogy in Large Classes, Blended and Flipped Learning,” Faculty Focus, Nov 27, 2019.

“Experimenting with Facebook in the College Classroom,” Jun 10, Faculty Focus, Jun 10, 2013.

Seminars in Applied Research Methods: Designing Instructional Strategies for a Seminar Course, Syllabus Jornal, (2013).


“Child Malnutrition: Why Wealth Is not The Only Problem,” LiveMint & The Wall Street Journal, Oct 8, 2012. Also, see Oct 8, 2012.

“Nutrition Education Needed To Combat Child Malnutrition In India.” Kaiser GH Update, Oct 9, 2012. Kaiser’s Global Health Update, Malnutrition.

“Nutrition, A Vital Nutrient Of Curriculum,” interviewed by Dipin Damodharan, Education Insider, DC media, India, (2012).

“Growing Preferential Trade Agreements Across The Globe: Lessons For Canada,” research report, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, (2007).

“West Virginia Economic Outlook for Preston County,” (with George Hammond), Bureau of Business and Economic Research, College of Business and Economics, West Virginia University, (1998).


UBC Vancouver OER Fund Implementation Grant (OER), UBC, Competitive,  “Transition Math 105 From Traditional Textbook to OER” 24,031, (with PI- ELYSE YEAGER), 2018-2020

Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund at UBC (TLEF), Competitive, Strategies for Effective Design and Implementation of Collaborative Peer Learning Activities, 19,604, 2020 Arts IT, with 10 Arts Faculties

Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund at UBC (TLEF), Competitive Prepare Online Resources, 25,000, 2018 -2019

Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund at UBC (TLEF), Competitive, To incorporate Flexible learning in first-year Econ Courses, 80,000, 2013 with ( Clive Chapple)

Major Collaborative Research Initiatives (MCRI), UBC, Non-Competitive, Travel and Research funded by the program, 10,000, 2012, from Dr. Pitman Potter’s grant.

TARGET INE, (SSHRC INE Collaborative Research Initiative), Competitive, Research Grant, 27,000, 2006

Canadian Agricultural Trade Policy Research Network, CATPRN, Competitive, Research Grant, 10,000, 2006.


Recognized for adapting “pedagogical approach in partnering with diverse community organizations and enabling students to engage in community-based projects” in undergrad Econ 490. Director, UBC-Community Learning Initiative (UBC-CLI)

Curriculum Consultation: St. Regis Secondary School, Independent high school, Vancouver. Assisting in developing a 12th-year economic course, which focuses on student engagement, community-based learning, within the ‘BC Ministry of Education’ guidelines, 16 march-31may 2021

Certificate of Participation, Faculty in Residence Speaker Series, from Student Housing and Hospitality Services Faculty in Residence Program. Residence Life at the UBC, Dec 17, 2012


University of Management & Technology – a member of the Conference Advisory and Technical Board reviewing proposed papers for presentation, 2017 to Present

UBC Psychology Department – Acted as a native Hindi voice for phonemic distinctions in experimental research on speech perception, 2011

Vancouver Rent Bank, NICCS.

  • a member of the advisory board, 2012 to 2015.
  • Designed the client survey for the organization;
  • Conducted program analysis of socio-economic characteristics of loan applicants, 2014-2015; Evaluation Report of the Vancouver Rent Bank (2015)

Indian Journal of Nutrition – Editorial Board member, 2016 to present

Arya Samaj Educational & Cultural Society of British Columbia – Fund-raising & performances at the cultural programme, 2010 to 2013 and 2017